Academics & Programs
Deja, our READ dog and her handler, Pat Goham

St. Mary Catholic School provides an outstanding education to students from 3K through 3rd grade. The academics reach beyond the subjects that we teach. We measure our academic strength by the environment that we provide our students, the passion with which our instructors teach, and the commitment to preparing our students for their future. Our dedicated faculty and administrators are committed to meeting the academic needs of every student. As a school community based on the Gospel message, our teaching efforts and instruction focus on the spiritual, moral, and intellectual growth as well as the welfare of each student.
We strongly urge parental and community cooperation and support in our spiritual and educational endeavors. We welcome our families to experience their child’s education through active involvement in school and parish events.
Foundational Curriculum
In conjunction with our commitment to providing an educationally sound, faith-based curriculum based on National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic School, St. Mary Catholic School curriculum includes a strong foundation in the traditional elements of a well-rounded education that includes:
Reading and Language Arts
Sacramental Preparation for First Holy Communion and Reconciliation in 2nd grade
Social Studies
STEAM for 4K-3rd grade
Specials Courses
These courses offer students an opportunity to explore new ideas and experiences in areas that reach beyond the basic curriculum:
Physical Education
Curriculum Enhancements
Reading Specialist
Our reading specialist works with students in grades 4K through 3rd on a one to one basis and small group setting to assist them in reaching academic goals.
Our STEAM initiative offers a student-centered environment dedicated to a deeper understanding of real-world concepts and their relationship to each other. This program enhances traditional methods of teaching focusing on science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. This hands-on, inquiry-based approach encourages our 4K through 3rd grade students in investigate and solve real-world problems.
Promethean Boards and iPads
We believe that technology enhances traditional and hands-on teaching methods to further our students’ educational journey. In each classroom children use interactive white boards and iPads to accomplish academic goals.
Generation Genius
Generation Genius is a teaching resource that enhances our science and STEAM curriculum. The material used is produced in partnership with the National Science Teaching Association and aligned to the National Standards and Benchmarks.
iReady is an assessment tool that combines the best in class instruction and assessment, supports measureable growth, and enables equitable learning opportunities.
Haggerty Explicit Phonics
Haggerty Explicit Phonics combines explicit phonemic awareness lessons with phonics instruction, providing a comprehensive approach to early literacy skill.
Mystery Science
Mystery Science provides ready-made science experiences for our students. Lessons contain a central mystery, discussion questions, supplemental reading, and a hands-on activity.
A-Z Learning/Razz Kids
A-Z Learning dedicates its tools and resources to expanding literacy through thoughtfully designed resources. Razz Kids provides our students with a library of differentiated books at 29 levels of difficulty that our students use to practice reading. Digital and mobile access allows our students to use this at school and at home. Teachers are able to easily manage and track their students reading progress.
Seesaw is a platform for student engagement. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. Students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDF’s, and links. Students work remains in one place and is able to easily be shared with families. This is St. Mary teaching platform is virtual/remote teaching becomes necessary.
3K Program
The 3K program provides a half-day, Monday-Friday curriculum that nurtures the hearts and minds of St. Mary’s youngest learners. Teachers encourage students to explore sharing, collaborating, and communicating in a faith-filled learning environment. In 3K, weekly themes incorporate reading/language arts, mathematics, religion, science, and social studies in exciting, play-based learning opportunities. Many opportunities are provided for social-emotional growth, self-help skills, developing confidence, increasing self-control, and establishing a foundation for a love of learning.
4K Program
The 4K program provides a full-day (half-day option) curriculum that is more than just playtime. Students are immersed in a wide variety of opportunities that focus on incorporating skills that build the foundation to become proficient in reading and language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and religion. Experienced, certified teachers provide whole and small group instruction, free choice exploration, and individual learning opportunities. Students are paired with older student “buddies” to participate in fun learning activities throughout the year.
5K-3rd Grade Programs
These programs build upon the foundation laid in previous grades. Our staff work to enhance each student’s individual strengths so they flourish and become confident, independent workers. There is a balance and blend of traditional textbook instruction, technology, and hands-on programming and projects to make learning fun and memorable. These students have the opportunity to explore, invent, and create in our STEM class. Curriculum is based on National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic School.
Reading Buddies
Our Reading Buddy program pairs our first and second grade students with our 4K students. There are many benefits to both groups of students:
Younger students grow as readers when they hear more experienced readers model fluent reading.
They observe their older friends model good reading skills.
They build confidence to read on their own.
The older buddies act as a mentor.
Leadership skills are practiced.
Authentic reading is practiced.
Reading fluency is practiced.
R.E.A.D. Program (Reading Education Assistance Dogs)
St. Mary’s School will be participating in the Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.) Program. This program is dedicated to improving the reading skills of children using certified therapy teams as literacy mentors. There is no charge for this program.
Handlers and their dogs will work with selected individual students during school hours on a one-on-one basis. The number of times a student “reads” to a dog will vary during the year.
The dogs and their handlers have been insured for liability and have undergone reading education training in addition to their extensive training and registration to do animal-assisted therapy.
Many children have benefited from programs that are offering students a non-judgmental reading buddy… dogs! A study conducted by the University of California in 2010 proved that students who read to animals for 15 to 20 minutes one time per week for eight weeks increased reading skills by 12% to 20%.
Tutoring for our English Language Learners
We are blessed to have Mr. Broines with us working with our ELL students. Mr. Broines has experience working with ELL students and translating in area school districts. His grandchildren attend St. Mary. His talents and skills are apparent as he works with our students for whom English is not their primary language and therefore cannot communicate fluently in English.

4K students with their Reading Buddies