Our Staff

A Letter from our Principal
Welcome families to St. Mary Catholic School!
Dear St. Mary School Families and Friends,
It is my pleasure to welcome everyone back to another great year at St. Mary School. We are thrilled to have our students back in the classrooms filling them with energy, laughter and enthusiasm for learning. It is our mission to help every child and parent feel welcomed, connected, and a part of St. Mary School. Now it is time to look forward to a wonderful new school year as we recognize “Jesus is our Superhero.” With Jesus being at the center of all we do, growing in His image is what we teach our little ones to love and strive for.
Our incredible teachers have been in school throughout the summer to prepare classrooms for the new year. We are grateful to our amazing custodial staff as they worked all summer getting our school in shape to welcome our families and students. Danielle has worked endlessly from the office to ensure a smooth start for staff, students, and families.
I want to thank all of you for attending the Unpack Your Backpack night and parent meeting. It was fantastic seeing all of you back in the building. There was a lot of information given in a short period of time. The PowerPoint presentation will be available if requested. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Danielle or myself if you have any questions.
St. Mary School is such a special place to learn and grow. We are proud of our beautiful school and have high expectations for each and every student. Our students are kind, compassionate, and eager to learn. Together with our dedicated staff, we strive to make connections with students to help them feel valued, accepted, and safe. This year’s theme, “Jesus is our Superhero” will continue to guide us to provide a rigorous and joyful inclusive school environment.
Please help us welcome our newest staff members to the St. Mary family:
Mrs. Michelle Krueger: Michelle graciously offered to join our family as our cook because of her love of cooking and children. We have had many conversations over the summer to prepare for the year and with each conversation her passion for this position became apparent. Welcome Michelle!
Miss Kerri Olig: (Soon to be Mrs. Muche in March!) We are so blessed to have Kerri join us! Her teaching experience and love of education is so apparent in all that she does. The smile she carries with her warms the hearts of all!
Mrs. Katie Marshall: Katie will be joining us sometime in October. She is busy preparing for her baby girl to grace us with her arrival. Katie loves working with kids at the second grade level and is eager to get to her classroom after baby comes.
Mrs. Jenny Curro: Big thanks to Jenny for joining us as our 2nd grade long-term sub for Mrs. Marshall! Jenny has years of teaching experience and loves working with the kids. She has been a part of the St. Mary family for many years. Her daughter Haiden attended St. Mary School through 2nd grade and Kyla is in 3rd grade, having attended here her whole school career. Welcome Jenny, and thank you!
Mrs. Patty Clark: Patty is the grandmother to the Clark children. Her son Tim also attended St. Mary School. She will be joining Michelle in the kitchen – helping with food prep, serving your little ones and cleaning up. We are looking forward to working with this awesome duo!
It is truly a privilege to be a part of a school family where parents, teachers, and students care for each other and our learning community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you for helping us prepare for the new school year. Your commitment to insuring that we remain a celebrated and successful school is awe-inspiring. I thoroughly enjoyed greeting students and families on our first. It remains an honor and privilege to serve as your principal.
Mary Yauck, Principal